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Mengantisipasi dan menangani KDRT didalam rumah

Akhir -akhir ini kita banyak mendengar berita tentang kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Menurut Komnas Perempuan, KDRT atau domestic violence merupakan kekerasan berbasis gender yang terjadi di ranah personal. Kekerasan in banyak terjadi dalam hubungan relasi personal, dimana pelaku adalah orang yang dikenal baik dan dekat oleh korban, misalnya tindak kekerasan yang dilakukan suami terhadap […]

Exploring Youth Perspectives in Social Media Content Creation

We're thrilled to invite you to join us for a specia session on "Exploring Youth Perspectives in Social Media Content Creation" at the APRiGF Brisbane this year. This Event is in collaboration with Netmisiion Asia. This is a unique opportunity to dive deep into the world of social media through the lens of youth. Understand […]

Bullyid Indonesia Bintangi Podcast Jumat Curhat Online Bareskrim Polri

Pada Tanggal 01 September 2023, Pendiri Bullyid Indonesia, Agita Pasaribu, mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi pembicara dalam acara "Jumat Curhat Online Eps 23 : Maraknya Kekerasan Seksual di Media Sosial" di saluran resmi Youtube Direktoreat Tindak Pidana Siber Barekrim Polri (Siber TV). Kak Agita menjelaskan bagaimana kemajuan teknologi telah berkontribusi pada peningkatan kasus kekerasan seksual di […]

Revenge Porn : Bagaimana Menyikapinya?

Belakangan ini ramai terjadi kasus Revenge Porn atau pornografi balas dendam yang memakan korban masyarakat di sekitar kita. Revenge Porn sendiri kerap digunakan pelaku untuk balas dendam, hiburan, atau bahkan profit pribadi. Padahal, penyebaran gambar dan video eksplisit tapa persetujuan berdampak sangat buruk pada korbannya. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan penderitaan psikis berkepanjangan bag korban, mulai […]

Human Rights Conversation Series

Human Rights In The Workplace : Addressing Bullying to Ensure Equal Treatment and Dignity at Work In its global survey, the International Labour Organization (ILO) noted that more than one in five people experience bullying in the workplace. Such bullying continues worldwide despite the adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention and Recommendation in […]

Webinar Special Kartini Day 2024

NON-CONSENSUAL DISSEMINATION OF INTIMATE IMAGES: EMPOWERING VICTIMS THROUGH ADVOCACY AND SUPPORT Bullyid Indonesia and Women’s Empowerment Indonesia join forces to address the pervasive issue of gender-based online violence, focusing particularly on the Non-Consensual Dissemination of Intimate Images (NCII). NCII involves the unauthorized sharing of intimate content to harm or extort victims and disproportionately affects women. […]


Empower Yourself: Understand and Prevent Online Gender Based Violence On June 3rd, 2024, Agita Pasaribu, Founder and Executive Director of Bullyid Indonesia, served as a speaker in a collaborative event with Solve Education! regarding how to navigate and prevent online gender-based violence. The event talked about the critical issue of navigating and preventing online gender-based […]