Our Work

Tech For Social Good

Putting Victims & Survivors at the Heart of everything we do. Our support and campaigns are informed and shaped by them and their experiences.

Our Impact

Bullyid App 

Our multi-device compatible web application that offers immediate and confidential support to victims of harassment, encompassing psychological, legal, and technological assistance.

75,000+ people digitally benefited and supported


Our Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education Center which offers Workplace Harassment Prevention Training, along with internal reporting mechanisms and case management support for corporations and institutions

78,000+ employees, staff, and students safeguarded

Digital Leader E-Course

Course to impart comprehensive digital literacy, arm participants with strategies to prevent online harassment, and provide knowledge on psychological first aid

52,000+ university students benefited


24/7 multilingual online platform connecting asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia with free mental health support from licensed psychologists and counsellors they can trust.

4,000+ asylum seekers and refugees supported across Indonesia