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Online Webinar

Right to be Forgotten: Mengulik Mekanisme Penghapusan Konten dalam konteks Revenge Porn serta hubungannya dengan Mental Health di Indonesia To commemorate the World Mental Health Day, Bullyid Indonesia as a platform that provides mental and legal support to victims of cyber bullying violence in collaboration with the Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law Student Association […]

Education Conference

Pelatihan Pencegahan CyberBullying Anak anak dan remaja belum memiliki pemahaman secara jelas mengenai cyberbullying. Untuk mengurangi terjadinya tindakan Cyber Bullying maka diperlukan sosialisasi menggunakan materi-materi dalam bentuk leaflet maupun bentuk lainnya. Guna mencegah dan memberikan pemahaman tentang bahaya Cyber Bullying, UNICEF melalui Yayasan BaKTI memfasilitasi Penyusunan/Pengembangan Materi Pencegahan Cyber Bullying. Output dari acara ini adalah […]

Online Webinar

Criminal Defamation and Free Speech in the Digital Age: Perspectives from Indonesia and The United States The webinar is mainly talks about analysis on Indonesia's criminal defamation by examining freedom of speech and the boundaries between protected and unprotected speech. In terms of comparison with Indonesia, is the United States, considering its long history of […]

Education Conference

Get smarter ahead of World Mental Health Day Watch to discover: What forms cyberbullying can take. What you should do if you’re experiencing it. How you can be part of the solution. Event Link : Click Here

Education Conference

UNESCO brings together leading experts to debate the role of a global ethical framework in achieving beneficial AI Among the eminent specialists from academia, business, civil society and public authorities called upon to give their opinion with Yoshua Bengio, Scientific Director at the Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms (MILA), Teki Akuetteh Falconer, Founder and Director […]

Education Conference

E-Discussion : Unlocking Potential within Individuals and Communities to Shape a Better Future In this discussion, Bullyid Counsellor Advisor, Dr. Zora A. Sukabdi, M.Psi shared her two cents of how the Employment and education needs in the future will be different from today’s, how we should design educational systems that are both adaptive to changing […]

Online Webinar

Sexual Harassment in Workplace Maraknya isu pelecehan seksual yang terjadi di Indonesia mengharuskan kita sebagai masyarakat untuk lebih aware dan berani untuk bicara. Dari kekhawatiran akan tingginya kasus pelecehan seksual di tempat kerja, Jangan Ragu bekerja sama dengan Bullyid mengadakan Webinar yang berjudul: “RUANG BICARA VOL.7: Sexual Harassment in workplace” yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat […]

Online Webinar

Artificial Intelligence Ethic This webinar discussed General Research Ethics with human objects and AI: Ethical Consideration & Machine Ethics. Have insight to know AI Ethics and why this issue is so important now. Event Link : Click Here

Online Webinar

Digital Safeguards For Children Panel Access Digital technology continues to evolve at an extraordinary rate, providing children and youth with countless opportunities for learning, development, and socialisation. This, however, also presents increasing threats to their wellbeing and safety and these have only intensified with the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. This webinar provides the guide […]

Online Webinar

Pasal Zina dalam RUU KUHP “Go or no Go?” The distortion of opinion regarding Article 417 in Rancangan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (“RKUHP”) which regulates the issue of adultery in the RKHUP has not yet come to light. The article is considered to have the potential for the community to become “Moral Police”. The article […]

Online Webinar

How to Deal with Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying adalah tindakan mengintimidasi orang lain melalui media elektronik dengan tujuan mengganggu, menyerang, mempermalukan orang tersebut. Cyberbullying ini menjadi fenomena baru, terutama dikalangan anak-anak berusia remaja. Salah satu dampak cyberbullying adalah pada psikologis seseorang (korban). Bagaimana dampak cyberbullying? Apa yang harus dilakukan seseorang jika mengalami cyberbullying?

Online Webinar

The Changing Face of Investment: Culture, Harassment & Governance Workplace Lingkungan dan tempat kerja yang aman akan sangat mendukung untuk mencapai hubungan industrial yang kuat dan produktif. Namun, seringkali tempat kerja juga menjadi salah satu tempat yang memberikan dampak negatif untuk tenaga kerjanya. Tempat kerja bisa menjadi faktor penyebab munculnya kekerasan dan pelecehan yang dialami […]