Workplace Harassment
Prevention Training

Workplace harassment can happen to any employee at any organisation. But, every employee has the right to work in a safe environment free from harassment. And every employer has the responsibility to help make this a reality – with workplace harassment training as a valuable tool.

A 2022 survey by the International Labor Organization (ILO) exposed a shocking truth: Over 70% of Indonesian workers have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. The ‘Semua Bisa Kena’ survey further revealed that a disturbing 77.4% had faced physical or psychological assault.

Creating a respectful and inclusive environment starts with anti-harassment training that educates employees on their pivotal role in eradicating harassment from the workplace.




22.8% of people experience at least one form of violence or harassment at work.



More than three in five victims of violence and harassment at work said it has happened to them multiple times.



Only slightly more than half (54.4%) of victims have shared their experience with someone.

Training that empowers organisations and staff alike to create safe and respectful environments.


Customized Training Modules

Tailored Workplace Harassment Prevention Training sessions based on the specific needs and challenges. Available: online and in-person training.


Support Services

A helpline and digital platform for employees to report incidents, seek counseling, or get legal advice.


Policy Consultation

Expert consultations on developing and implementing workplace harassment policies and procedures.


Digital Resources

Access to online materials and tools that can be used for continuous learning and awareness.


Enhanced Workplace Environment

Training helps in creating a respectful and inclusive workplace culture, leading to increased employee satisfaction and reduced turnover.


Strengthened Brand Image

Being a part of such initiatives showcases the company’s commitment to employee well-being, enhancing its reputation among clients, partners, and potential hires.


Certificate of Completion

All employees who undergo the training receive a certificate, validating their understanding and commitment to preventing workplace harassment.


Compliance with Regulations

The training ensures that the company is in line with local and international regulations related.



Decree of Minister of Manpower (Kepmenaker) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 88 of 2023

Guidelines for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Workplace.

World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024-2030

Accelerate Gender Equality for a Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Future

ILO (International Labour Organisation) Sexual Harassment and Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206

Guidelines on preventing and addressing workplace sexual harassment.

"We have engaged the team from Bullyid App (NMA Foundation) on multiple occasions to conduct workplace harassment and online gender-based violence training as a key component of our EmpowHER program. The results speak for themselves, with 97% of our employees now confident in identifying various forms of harassment. The training provided by Bullyid has been pivotal in our efforts to create a safe workplace. We look forward to our continued partnership to further empower our staff and uphold our commitment to a harassment-free environment."
Meirza Anbiya
Head of People and Culture at FWD Insurance


Most Popular Training Programmes

Our training helps staff prepare for and reduce conflicts, creating a safer workplace.

Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Chapter 1: Preventing Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

Chapter 2: What is Sexual Harassment?

Chapter 3: Verbal, Visual, and Physical Harassment

Chapter 4: Third-Party Harassment

Chapter 5: Flirting and Dating in the Workplace

Chapter 6: Other Types of Harassment and Discrimination

Chapter 7: Abusive Conduct and Bullying

Chapter 8: Online Harassment

Chapter 9: Reporting Harassment

Chapter 10: Retaliation

Chapter 11: Positive Work Culture

Chapter 12: Bystander Intervention

Chapter 13: Preventing Workplace Harassment

Chapter 14: If You Are Accused

Bystander Intervention Training

Chapter 1: Introduction to Bystander Intervention

Chapter 2: What is Bystander Intervention?

Chapter 3: Types of Bystander Intervention

Chapter 4: Engaging Your Resources

Chapter 5: Engaging Other Bystanders

Chapter 6: Engaging the Target

Chapter 7: Engaging the Perpetrator

Chapter 8: De-Escalation

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Chapter 1: Diversity Essentials

Chapter 2: Discrimination

Chapter 3: Race

Chapter 4: Socioeconomic Status

Chapter 5: Age

Chapter 6: Gender

Chapter 7: Sexual Orientation

Chapter 8: Religion & Spirituality

Chapter 9: Disability

Chapter 10: Unconscious Bias & Microaggresions

Chapter 11: Cultural Inclusivity

Who is it for?




Methods of Training

Group Discussion

Case Studies

Role Play & Game

Multimedia & Video Interaction

“Hosting Agita from Bullyid App (NMA Foundation) for a session with Women@Microsoft Indonesia proved to be incredibly enlightening. Her expertise in cyberbullying and online gender-based violence, coupled with her understanding of both local and international legal frameworks, captivated our team. The engaging presentation sparked lively discussions and numerous questions, highlighting the importance of awareness on these issues in the tech industry. Agita's insights have been invaluable in educating our staff about the potential pitfalls of excessive internet use and fostering a more inclusive and safe online community.”
Krishna Worotikan
CFO & Diversity/Inclusion Lead at Microsoft Indonesia



Staff, Managers, and C-suite members who have participated in our comprehensive workplace harassment prevention training program.​

Previous Partners

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training FAQ

Why is workplace harassment training important?
Why is workplace harassment training important?

Workplace harassment training is important because it prevents incidents of harassment, bullying, and retaliation that may impact your organisation's culture and expose your workplace to damaging consequences – personal and financial.

Workplace harassment – in all of its forms – is highly disruptive and can lead to loss of productivity, team performance, and high turnover and transfer costs. Victims of harassment experience extreme stress at work and cannot fully focus on their job, reducing their productivity and contribution to the organisation. Harassment victims also miss work more often, further diminishing the overall productivity of the organisation.

Workplace harassment can happen to any employee at any organisation – even if they have a training program in place. Understanding workplace harassment is the first step in preventing it.

Who needs workplace harassment training?
Who needs workplace harassment training?

The Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia strongly recommends employee harassment training.

Staff, Officer, Manager, Director and all-stakeholders need workplace harassment training.

How can SHARE’s workplace harassment training solution help your organisation?
How can SHARE’s workplace harassment training solution help your organisation?

With a full suite of anti-harassment training courses and the tools to easily design, deploy, and support ongoing harassment training for employees, SHARE Compliance Solutions help organisations educate their employees to understand, prevent, and respond to various forms of harassment.

SHARE’s workplace harassment training solution can help your organisation build a best-in-class learning program to keep your employees safe and mitigate risk.


Our SHARE’s Reporting and Case Management Platform also benefit your organisation to create more transparency and enable seamless internal reporting mechanisms.

What are the different types of harassment employees experience at work in Indonesia?
What are the different types of harassment employees experience at work in Indonesia?

Employees may experience many different types of harassment at work, but the two common issues in Indonesia, are:

  • Workplace violence, which includes physical abuse or threats that jeopardise the health and safety of an employee.

Sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

In facing harassment at the workplace, let your courage speak louder than the discomfort. Stand firm, speak out, and pave the way for a workplace where respect and dignity are non-negotiable.
- Agita Pasaribu - Founder of Bullyid App

Continuous cultural improvement with SHARE Platform


Know when unacceptable behavior has taken place by giving people the confidence to speak out


Give people the support they need when they need it by signposting them to relevant articles


Learn more about your culture and identify patterns of behaviour through real-time reporting

Reporting, support, case management and analytics in
one platform.


Know when unacceptable behaviour has taken place in your organisation by giving people a simple and secure way to speak out confidentially, with the option for anonymity.

Simple reporting

Increase the chances of incidents being reported with a simple step-by-step reporting process designed in collaboration with other organisations.

Enterprise-level security

Have peace of mind knowing data is being handled securely with two-factor authentication, single sign-on, end-to-end encryption and Indonesian law compliance


Give people the support they need when they need it by signposting them to relevant articles, tracking case outcomes and providing direct support to those who give their name.

Relevant support

Direct people who’ve submitted a report to meaningful articles and campaign content created for your organisation.

Advanced case management

Manage and follow individual cases with audit trails, log case activities, outcomes, status updates, triage handling and team management.

Direct Psychological Support

Go further for people subjected to harmful behaviour with access to licensed psychologists and resources ready to help.


Gain actionable insights, learn more about your culture and identify patterns of behaviour through real-time reporting contained in a customisable dashboard.

Real-time data

Spot trends early by analysing data as it comes in so that proactive and preventative steps can be taken.

Customisable dashboard

Make sure the information you see is the right information by building your own at-a-glance dashboard.

In-depth metrics

Get a deeper understanding of what’s happening throughout the organisation by filtering, segmenting and comparing data.

Want to find out more?

You can book an introductory call or send a message to our team and see first-hand how our system can power a positive culture shift in your organisation.