Survivor Stories

One story can change a perspective. It can change a person, as well as a nation. If it can change a nation, it can also change the world. Your story can change the world.

Bullyid is guided by a core belief: that if we help one person, we save more lives. Our mission is to distribute equal access for mental health and legal knowledge support to everyone. Everyone needs someone to make them feel like tomorrow is more than just another day.

The work we do wouldn’t be possible without input from you. So we want to hear your stories, what encourages you to be better, what motivates you, what brings you back to the light. We want to know who inspires you to work a little harder, to dream a little bigger, reach a little farther. We want your stories to enlighten others.

We’re always listening, and let’s shine together. Take a look at a few of the stories that inspire us, then add your own.