Safe Ride Jakarta: Paving the Way for Harassment-Free on Public Transportation
Combating sexual harassment on public transportation is crucial for creating safe and inclusive environments for all passengers. According to Survei Pengalaman Hidup Perempuan Nasional in 2021, 1 out of 4 women, between the age 15-64 has experienced sexual assault and/or sexual harassment done by their partners and by others. Survey Nasional Pengalaman Hidup Anak dan Remaja in 2021 also revealed that 4 out of 10 underage girls and 3 out of 10 underage boys has experienced one of the forms of sexual assault in their lifetime, whether physical violence, sexual, or emotional violence. Sistem Informasi Online Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak, operated by Indonesian Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, also recorded 11.266 reported cases of violence against women in 2022 which amassed 11.538 victims. Public facilities are ranked second (880 cases) after households (8.432 cases) for places with the most reported cases of violence against women.
As a part of the population’s hotspot and public facility, public transportation should be a safe space for everyone to travel without fear of harassment or assault. Public transportation plays a vital role in fostering community connections and social cohesion. By creating an environment free from sexual harassment, we promote a sense of belonging, trust, and respect among passengers. This contributes to the overall well-being and quality of life for individuals using public transportation. Combating sexual harassment on public transportation also allows for raising awareness about the issue and educating the public on appropriate behavior and bystander intervention.
This can lead to positive cultural and societal change, fostering a collective understanding that sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. To effectively combat sexual harassment on public transportation, it is essential to implement comprehensive policies, provide training to staff, increase surveillance and security measures, encourage reporting mechanisms, and promote a culture of respect and accountability among passengers and employees alike.
In light of the alarming statistics on sexual harassment and assault in Indonesia and the urgent necessity to create safe, inclusive environments on public transportation, “Safe Ride Jakarta” aims to directly address and mitigate incidents of sexual harassment across all forms of public transportation in Jakarta, including buses, trains, taxis and share-ride transport services.
Project Objectives
Main Activities
From October 26-27, we successfully conducted an educational training program at ITL Trisakti. The event was attended by our Executive Director, Agita Pasaribu, S.H., M.A., alongside with Dr. Yuliantini, AMTrU., MM., the Rector of ITL Trisakti, Vice Rector Dr. Aang Gunawan, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business Dr. Martalena, Head of Public Affairs at Grab Indonesia Archicco Guillianno and his dedicated team.
The training aimed to empower young ambassadors with essential knowledge to combat sexual harassment in public transport. Topics covered included legal frameworks, psychological support mechanisms, and effective communication strategies, led by experts. The ambassadors left equipped to champion the cause of safer public spaces.

Online Talkshow Safe Ride Jakarta: Collective Efforts in Paving The Way for Harassment-Free
JAKARTA, November 30, 2023 – In commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Bullyid Indonesia, in collaboration with the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety, continued it’s Safe Ride Jakarta program with an online talkshow titled “Collective Efforts in Paving The Way for Harassment-Free.” The event aimed to foster a safer and harassment-free public transport, particularly for women and children.
Moderated by Irene Bougenville Martin, the discussion included panelists from diverse backgrounds, including Iwan Budiyono, S.Sos., M.AP. (Head of Sub Directorate for Promotion, Ministry of Transportation), Ciput Eka Purwanti, S.Si., MA. (Assistant Deputy for Child Protection, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection), Najwa Septianingsih Manan, S.H., C.L.A. (Associate Litigator at KVH Advocates and Legal Consultants), Ulfi Puarada (Transport Analyst at Transportologi), and Yosephine Stella (Digital Sexuality Educator).
The discussion shed light on the harsh reality that many victims of sexual violence in public transportation are reluctant to report their cases, often feeling dismissed or trivialized by . For instance, the An case in Mojokerto exemplifies the underreporting of sexual violence in public transportation. Panelists also shared their personal experiences of the common fear felt by passengers, especially at night, and instances of verbal harassment against women in public transportation. In response to this challenge, the panelists emphasized the importance of approaching it with empathy and understanding. They highlighted that to address the fear and stigma associated with experiences of sexual violence in public transportation, there is a need for a method that can provide effective first aid. One relevant and applicable method is the butterfly hug. The butterfly hug method is deemed essential as a first aid approach in the context of anxiety prevention or when recalling experiences of sexual violence.Melalui artikel di atas, kami dapat merekomendasikan gaun terbaru untuk Anda.Beli gaun dengan berbagai panjang, warna, dan gaya untuk setiap kesempatan dari merek favorit Anda.
In addressing these issues, the panelists emphasized the importance of regulations in the transportation sector, covering both safety and security aspects. Safety focuses on the technical aspects of transportation services, while security involves guaranteeing and addressing illegal actions, including harassment. The government is urged to enforce the obligation for transportation operators to have a Safety Management System (SMS) with various related elements. However, in the context of technology transfer research, challenges related to harmonizing regulations, addressing sexual violence, and training public transportation drivers still require further attention. It is essential to expand services and understanding of security protocols by transportation operators while addressing challenges in implementing regulations related to safety and security. In particular, to ensure the safety and security of public transportation users, the importance of using CCTV as evidence, providing access to special services for women and children, the efforts of authorities in protecting and recovering victims, as well as rehabilitating perpetrators of sexual harassment, were emphasized.
The panelists also acknowledged the importance of collaboration between the government, transportation operators, and the community as the key to creating a safe and supportive transportation environment for all individuals. On an important note, victims and witnesses are encouraged to seek help immediately and report incidents to the authorities as soon as possible. Support can be found through government institutions such as the nearest police office, the nearest Legal Aid Foundation (LBH), the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), or by contacting POS SAPA at 112 and P2TP2A at 081317617622.
Bullyid Indonesia and all panelists encourage everyone to unite in facing the challenge of sexual violence in public transportation, creating sustainable solutions, and ensuring the safety of all passengers.
Reporting Mechanism and Support Services
We are proud to unveil a new reporting platform for victims and witnesses of sexual harassment in Jakarta’s public transport system. This initiative, part of our commitment to safety and security, ensures that reports can be made anonymously, respecting the privacy of all individuals.
Victims and witnesses can also receive free psychological support from our counselors via the Bullyid App web-app, available daily from 9 AM to 8 PM. The data collected will contribute to refining Safe Protocols for public transport. Report here
In collaboration with ITL Trisakti, we are on the verge of introducing safety protocols for public transport entities. These protocols will be designed to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual harassment effectively. To tailor these guidelines to the needs of the public, we are conducting an online survey to collect widespread feedback and insights.
Safe Ride Jakarta’s survey, initiated due to the rise in sexual harassment in public transportation (buses, trains, MRTs, E-ride sharing, and taxis), reveals urgent findings from 449 respondents. The data shows widespread harassment experiences, indicating a significant gap between incident rates and the awareness and use of reporting mechanisms.
This highlights the necessity for improved safety measures, awareness campaigns, and more accessible reporting channels.
Supported by Indonesia’s Law No. 12 of 2022 against Sexual Violence, the survey advocates for a safer, more respectful public transport environment. It aims to provide evidence-based recommendations to enhance commuter safety, representing a crucial step towards addressing sexual harassment in public transport and ensuring every commuter’s journey is safe and dignified.
Relevant Laws and Regulations

Project Timeline
- Finalize project plan and secure partnerships.
- Develop project team and assign roles.
- Begin development of Education Training modules.
- Complete development of Education Training modules.
- Begin development of the reporting platform.
- Plan the online and in-person awareness campaign agenda
- Implement Education Training for youth.
- Roll out the FGD meeting to involve youth for campaign and survey
- Beta-testing reporting platform among youth.
- Launch reporting platform among Youth Ambassadors.
- Commence data collection through public surveys.
- Launch online Awareness Campaign with Youth Ambassadors.
- Implement in-person awareness campaign.
- Officially launch the reporting platform.
- Start enabling 12-hours online psychological support system.
- Analyze initial survey data for preliminary insights.
- Conduct reviews of the launched reporting platform and psychological support and make necessary adjustments.
- Analyse all surveys, reports, feedback from reporting platform and support system.
- Begin drafting safety protocols and reports.
- Publish safety protocols and reports.
- Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all project components.
- Generate project final report detailing impact, challenges & successes.
Youth Ambassadors
Forum Anak Jakarta Timur
Indah Syakirana Puspita
Chelsea Terry
Annisa Tenri Abeng
Fathria Amalia
Septika Purnama Sari
Nur Rahmat Cahyadi
Nehla Fauria
Shafa Nabilla Rozak
Muhammad Rafli Alvaro
Dandi Gumelar
Rizky Ameilia Wulandari
Aulia Putri Puspitasari
Fanesia Olivia Bistolen
Zahra Chaerunnisa
Mutiara Nada Cindy Devinawaty
Akmal Fadhil Santoso
Anton Presetia Kusuma
Putri Eka Raya
Viona Astuti
M. Afiz Abidillah
Muhammad Rafli Alvaro
Nur Rahmat Cahyadi
Darell Raymizard Ismail
Darus Subagya
Muhammad Nur Faauzi
Okta Fadhilah Angraeni
Ahmad Rafli Himawan
UPN Veteran Jakarta
Alena Vionillah Ramadhani
Balqis Zhafira Maulida
Dhea Ayu Sulistyawati
PIK-R Gencar SMA Negeri 21
Ridwan Malik Akbar
PIK-R Kembangan
Zelika Putri Erose
PIK-R Kembangan
Syafira Hadzami
PIK-R Kembangan
Sukaedah Dewi Mayumi
Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia
Pratiwi Khairunnisa
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Sitta Rahma Ramadhan
Pusat Informasi Konseling Remaja
Andhika Ajie Pratama
Sekretariat Forum Anak Nasional
Sintia Serly Amelia Amparta
SMA Negeri 83 Jakarta
Desinta Islamiyah
SMA Negeri 83 Jakarta
Alfiah Ningrat Aryani
SMA Negeri 94 Jakarta
Regina Cahyani Rahman
SMA Negeri 94 Jakarta
Indri Hidayat
SMA Negeri 94 Jakarta
Ken Ayu Indreswari
SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta
Syamara Dwisuci Valecia
SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta
Fahri Dwi Rizkianto
SMK Negeri 36 Jakarta
Mohammad Gulfham Syechzads
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Malika Alshafa Umaira
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
Oktia Sartika
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
Yattala Daffa Aisyahra
Universitas Pembangunan Jaya/GenRe Jakarta Pusat
Intan Kusuma Wardhani
UPN Veteran Jakarta
Nadiva Keinara Pahladi
UPN Veteran Jakarta
Vina Saintiyanti
UPN Veteran Jakarta
Project in Numbers
53 Participants Trained over 2x In-Person Training & 3 Youth Ambassador Training Modules Developed
39,005+ Online Engagement Reached
451 People participated on the Online Awareness Discussion
1 Online Reporting Platform Developed & 26 reports handled
16 interactive contents circulated on the occasion of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from 25th Nov-10th Dec, 2023
10,000+ visitors on Safe Ride's web-page since launched
449 respondents collected for Safe Ride Jakarta's Public Survey
2 Government entities, 10+ NGOs involved and 1 policy recommendation published
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