Human Rights In The Workplace : Addressing Bullying to Ensure Equal Treatment and Dignity at Work
In its global survey, the International Labour Organization (ILO) noted that more than one in five people experience bullying in the workplace. Such bullying continues worldwide despite the adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention and Recommendation in 2019, wich recognizes that violence and harassement at work are human right violation and is a threat to equal opportunities in the workplace. The conversation will attempt to explore the various dimensions of bullying at the workplace – physical violence, psychological harassment, and sexual harassment and the hurfles faced by local and global human rights campaigns to address it.
Agita Pasaribu is the Founder and Executive Director of Bullyid Indonesia. Bullyid Indonesia is an organization that focused on preventing online gender-based violence and empowering survivors and victims of harassment in Indonesia. Through her organization, Agita has developed the ‘Bullyid App’, which provides survivors and victims access to psychological and legal support in case of bullying. Agita will share her expertise and experience in addressing bullying at the workplace and ways to ensure equal treatment and dignity at work.