Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Bullyid App at International Girls in ICT Day, Manila


Celebrating Digital Inclusion and Women’s Empowerment

On a bright day in Manila, history was made as the International Girls in ICT Day brought together luminaries and pioneers from around the globe to shine a light on the crucial role of young women in technology. Hosted by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), this event celebrated the strides taken towards gender equality in ICT, emphasizing the empowerment of young women through technology.

A Gathering of Minds

The event boasted an impressive roster of speakers, including Secretary of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) of the Philippines; Ivan John Uy and UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, among other notable international figures. These leaders shared their insights on the digital divide, policy frameworks, and innovative strategies to foster an inclusive environment in ICT.

Agita Pasaribu, our Founder and Executive Director of Bullyid App, stood out with her poignant contribution to the panel. As a fervent advocate for mental health and anti-cyber harassment, Agita discussed the critical intersection of technology and mental well-being. She underscored the necessity of safe online spaces that nurture young women’s growth and protect them from cyber threats.

Agita emphasized the pivotal role of digital tools in facilitating resilience among young individuals, particularly girls who are often disproportionately affected by online risks. By leveraging data analytics and machine learning, platforms can detect and mitigate potential threats, ensuring a safer online experience for all users. Moreover, Agita pointed out the importance of legislative frameworks that can support these technological solutions by instituting robust cyber harassment laws and privacy protections.

Through Bullyid App’s initiatives, Agita illustrated practical applications of how technology can serve as a catalyst for mental health support and legal aid. The app not only provides resources for mental health care but also offers guidance on navigating legal complexities related to cyber harassment, thereby empowering users to take decisive action against online abuse. Her passionate plea for a collective effort to ensure digital inclusivity and protect vulnerable demographics resonated deeply with the audience, emphasizing that the path to technological empowerment is paved with responsibility, empathy, and concerted action.

Key Takeaways from the Event

  1. Global Cooperation is Vital – The discussions highlighted the necessity for international collaboration to bridge the gender digital divide, allowing women equal access to ICT opportunities.

  2. Education and Mentorship – Empowering young women through education and robust mentorship programs is crucial. These initiatives equip them with the skills and confidence to excel in tech-oriented careers.

  3. Community and Policy Support – The role of supportive communities and strong policy frameworks cannot be overstated. They are essential in creating conducive environments for young women to thrive in ICT.

  4. Ongoing Challenges – Despite progress, challenges remain in achieving gender parity in technology. Continuous effort and innovative solutions are required to overcome these barriers.

  5. Technology as a Tool for Social Change – Technology holds the potential to drive social change, particularly in safeguarding the rights and well-being of young women online.

Looking Forward

The International Girls in ICT Day in Manila was not just a celebration but a call to action. It reminded us of the collective responsibility to support and inspire the next generation of women in technology. At Bullyid App, we are committed to this mission, ensuring that every young woman has the opportunity to pursue her dreams in ICT in a safe and supportive environment.

We are inspired by the stories of young women who, through their engagement with ICT, have transformed their lives and communities. These stories fuel our commitment to creating a platform that not only addresses the technical skills gap but also tackles the critical social issues like online harassment.

By fostering an environment that encourages curiosity, innovation, and resilience, we empower the next generation of women in tech to not only participate in but lead and reshape the future of technology. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State, the ITU, and the Government of the Philippines for inviting us and facilitating this impactful event.